Posts Tagged trying to conceive

Does adoption mean that I am giving up on God?

 As Mother’s Day approaches, I am overjoyed about being a mother and the heartfelt celebration of other mothers near and far.  However, my previous prenatal losses keep me mindful of the many women and couples who are not overjoyed about Mother’s Day because they are beginning to doubt if they will ever have children.

Miscarriages, stillborn births, and/or failed fertility treatments have stolen their joy, like a thief in the night.  It takes a strong woman to keep trying to conceive despite it all.   And, if you are this woman of strength-who knows that you know -what I’m talking about-keep your head up and be encouraged!

The traditional belief about having children can lock a mother/couple dealing with infertility issues or repeated prenatal loss into a mental box of hopelessness and despair.  The insensitive limits of this mental box implies that there is only one “right” way to have a child, which is biologically. And, it gives the impression that biological related families is THE most important factor when having children. This is NOT true! 

Picture Think about it, when you look at a family, do you really say, what a beautiful biologically related family?  Or, do you just say, what a beautiful family? 
My experience with adoption and biologically having children tells me that FAMILY is FAMILY.  Therefore, follow the peace in your heart on how to expand YOUR family.  There are many wonders to having children that FAR outweigh not having children because you are waiting to have them a certain way-which may or may not be God’s will for your life.

Be encouraged to…


…have a NEW beginning to build your family.  Release any sense of shame or failure commonly felt among those considering adoption after dealing with infertility or repeated prenatal loss.

Philippians 1:20 King James Version (KJV), says: “According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

Confidently, take hold of a FRESH way of thinking that  allows you and yours to consider adoption as a means of giving your fertility TO God -NOT giving up on God.  Embrace a different way of thinking about the fact that God supports adoption. For instance, Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, and all Gentiles (anyone who is not Jewish) are adopted into God’s family through receiving His son (Ephesians 1:5  KJV). Many would even agree that Joseph became the earthly father of the Lord Jesus through adoption and raised him as his own biological son. 

So, Does Adoption Mean that you are giving up on God?

Only you can truly answer that question.  But, from this point forward, let other people’s birth stories be something you continue to celebrate and not something you are pressured to imitate.  The same God that blessed those who conceive biologically can bless your parenthood journey however HE WILLS.   

Enjoy YOUR parenthood journey.

Like you and your expanding family-this journey is special.


Buy “Why Me, Lord“, in an E-Book  version for yourself or Paperback version- as a gift for someone else.
This book is a continual resource of hope for those who have had a miscarriage or stillborn birth and want to either conceive, or adopt, or both one day.

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